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Our Mission Statement
We aim to provide ‘Positive Outcomes’ and ‘Positive Futures’ by delivering highly flexible and personalised support, focusing on enablement.
We strive to change the perception of disability and mental illness, by supporting people using services to positively contribute to their communities.
We empower people to succeed in independent living, facilitating them to develop their own identity, take ownership of their choices and shape for themselves a positive future.
Our Values
Collaborative Spirit describes the unique culture that truly embodies our organisation. Our employees are so integral to the success of everything we do – put simply, they are our organisation which is only as good as its people. Without their hard work, dedication and commitment achieving excellence is not made possible. The togetherness culture found in the Supported Housing facilities underpins the trusting, supportive, tight-knit communities that our team members work hard to nurture. The democratic spirit of our organisation is what encourages openness, sincerity and respect between our team members, our clients and the external parties with whom we have an affiliation – each person’s voice and contribution is truly valued.
Consultative Approach as a distinct method of non-adversarial decision-making to build consensus for the best course of action to benefit the Company rather than individuals or departments. A process of decision making between all parties means that everyone becomes a genuine partner of the organisation. The consultative approach empowers everyone to contribute positively towards Empowered Lives advancement, balancing the happiness of all those involved with a successful, responsive organisation. It also enables challenges to be resolved quickly, efficiently and with mutual respect, preserving relationships and nurturing positive future interactions.
Customer Centric Approach is putting our customers at the center of thinking and operations whereby they ‘collaborate and participate’ in the direction of their own lives. We are motivated by improving services and stakeholder satisfaction by embedding a client orientation into our organisation’s decision-making and culture to achieve a successful and sustainable transformation. In practical terms, it is about a commitment by our team members to continuously learn about our client's health and condition as well as keeping up to date with knowledge within the health and social care sector and respond appropriately to what we learn. We are only too aware that we provide a significant turning point in our clients’ lives and it is, therefore, essential that the impact we have is nothing other than positive and truly life-changing.
Excellence in every sense is important to the growth of our vision. Through collaboration and consultation with our team members, clients and stakeholders, we continuously strive to improve
our service offerings and advance the professional development of our team members.
Adhering to best practice and high standards in our work ethic is always our aim.
As a result, we are able to offer better levels of support and access
to accommodation and other opportunities. We are always ready
to listen and adopt an open-minded policy towards change and
improvement. We involve clients in the shape and design
of our service; suggestions and ideas, no matter how small,
are always welcome!
Unity in Diversity of our clients, team members,
stakeholders, and the local community is the hallmark of our values.
The purpose to establish unity and concord amongst our people is
nurtured through promoting an empathic and sympathetic culture
within each service and throughout our organisation.
Trust and friendship are encouraged and valued, whereby everyone
is made to feel as a partner of our establishment and understands
their unique role in supporting this environment. The progress of an
organisation, the collaborative development of communities and the
tranquillity of its people are integral to the progress of any social enterprise.
Positive Orientation. We understand the importance of establishing a positive, enthusiastic and energetic environment in which to live and work. We know that positivity and optimism can make a huge difference in a world where so many people fail to see how lucky they are to have the fundamental things, like good health and opportunities to improve their lives. As an organisation we strive to embody a alternative perspective – one that is embedded in our culture. Of wanting nothing more than to provide better workings conditions, care and empowerment for each other and for our clients who have experienced various forms of social exclusion or disadvantages.
We thrive on knowing that our positive attitudes and ‘cup half full’ approach to life is infectious and inspiring to those we interact with. We appreciate people and their contributions; we look for the good in people and situations; we appreciate hard work and a job well done; we engage with people and invest in positive relationships; and most importantly, we avoid being negative when life doesn’t go our way as this can be so toxic to those around us, particularly to those in vulnerable situations. This simple yet effective ethos, where we each actively take responsibility for our good conduct, collectively breeds optimism, purpose and hope. We are realistic, however, and do understand that sometimes in life we are thrown upsets and challenges, many of which may seem too hard to overcome. We aren’t going to pretend that life is always going to be as simple as taking a walk in the park, but we are going to continue to provide that crucial support, comfort, reassurance and help that others need, in order to see that life is often what you make of it.
We encourage each other and our clients to focus on the good things in life, to replace negative thoughts with positive ones, and to appreciate the positive aspects of our lives. With continual, positive reinforcement from our team, empathy, guidance, acts of kindness and perhaps just a helping hand when it’s required, we will walk through those challenges to help each other to find the path to a better, more successful, enjoyable life and society. We will help each other to overcome that which may seem impossible, and we hope that in turn, they too will be able to pay this forward and to better the lives of others.
Empower, Engage, Enable delivered through the approach of ‘encouragement’ which is all about giving our clients and team members a greater sense of confidence to take ownership to do things themselves. It is a multi-dimensional process that fosters power in our clients for use in their own lives, their communities and in their society. Empowerment occurs at various levels, such as individual, organisation, and community. This process is similar to our client’s journey to independence whilst being aware that the individual and community are fundamentally connected. In collaborations based on mutual respect, diverse perspectives, and a developing vision, we work toward creative and realistic solutions. This synthesis of individual and collective change is our understanding of an empowerment process. The focus is on the connection between individual action and community action, encouraging individual action through keywork sessions for our clients or consultations with our team members, and supporting community action through their efforts to change their communities. While we cannot give people power and we cannot make them “empowered,” we can provide the safe environment, training, opportunities, resources and support that they need to ‘build capacity’ in order to strengthen their skills and abilities so they can overcome the causes of their exclusion.
Community Building and social action is a vital part of our services. By encouraging positive interactions, by accompanying efforts towards personal and collective transformation and by fostering ties of friendship with one another, we develop the capacity to ourselves as agents of change within our own lives. We develop the confidence to take active steps towards a better life and in doing so, contribute to a community life and environment that benefits others. Rather than a hollow promise of inclusivity, we facilitate a culture which promotes a mindset where our people are empowered to live and work side by side and participate towards building a vibrant local community that improves society to enrich quality of life. Our contribution towards building a better future at grassroots level ensures that our social action initiatives are sustainable: continuity, consistency, coherency, which will continue to grow organically, flourish and endure in neighbourhoods and communities.
Equality is a universally recognised principle in an ever increasingly globalised multicultural world. We want to play our part in creating a fairer society where every individual is fairly treated irrespective of their background, culture or beliefs and thus has fair access to opportunities to reach their potential. We imbed a culture where every stakeholder has a sense of worth, is genuinely listen to, and in turn listens to and values others. We appreciate the value of differences in our diverse communities and look to discover what connects us, rather than what divides us