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Personalised Support

We understand that each one of our service users has encountered a very personal journey before stepping through our doors. In recognition of this, we realise the importance of providing unique and personalised services to meet individual needs which ultimately help our clients continue successfully on their journey towards independence and social inclusion.


Our clients’ backgrounds and personal sets of circumstances are unique and we take comfort in knowing that our help and support can change their lives for the better. Through providing the right support and appropriate levels of care in our supported living accommodation or people's private homes, our clients are able to refocus and rebuild their lives. As their independence grows, they find themselves able to make the right choices in order to maximise their potential, thus becoming confident members of the community and discovering lasting stability and happiness.


Coproduction and personalisation are at the heart of our processes and service delivery and service users are encouraged to take an active and equal role in key decisions which impact and shape the services they recieve.


Health and Wellbeing

Empowered Lives recongnises it has a crucial part to play in improving service user wellbeing and health outcomes. Our Care and Support is focused on the individual and begins with wrap around services for those who need it, delivered through aligned interventions (i.e. health or social care) supported by systems and infrastructure (e.g. signposting to community / primary care services or equipment services) to enable healthy productive lives, all our service users have a comprehensive health action plan in place which focuses on all their health and wellbeing needs, identifying any health issues and detailing people's needs, goals and outcomes.


Who do we provide Support to

We provide support to a range of people including:-

  • People with a Learning Disability

  • Those on the Autisitic Spectrum

  • People with a enduring Mental Health Support Need

  • Those with a Aquired Brain Injury

  • Those deemed as complex or who present with challenging behaviours


Tailored Support

We treat each person as an individual and thus take a person centred approach. We reflect this ethos by tailoring our services to meet identified personal needs. Our clients can expect to be treated with regard to equality, inclusion, dignity and respect, and to enjoy the ‘togetherness culture’ that we promote within the supportive environment we provide.


For clients we can offer varying levels of support, ranging from selected support accommodation, to floating support arrangements and assistance with personal care, our early intervention and preventative service has the clear aim to reducing people's dependency on longer term care and acute settings.


Promoting Social Inclusion

Empowered Lives was established as the result of an idea to improve the lives of those who suffer from social exclusion, social disadvantage and homelessness. We wanted then and now to make a difference in the community and offer vulnerable people the chance to rebuild their lives, regain independence and, within a supportive environment, commence a return to independent living, aided by dedicated and caring team members.


Over time we have developed working relationships with interested health and social care professionals including local authorities, so that we could work collaboratively in providing our clients

with a way forward to gaining a greater measure of independent living,

by having improved access to welfare support, training and

employment opportunities.


Since our establishment we have been encouraged by the

success of our clients, and the knowledge that our approach

to providing support and assistance towards achieving

independent living, has contributed to them rebuilding their lives.

Our measure of success is the positive difference made to the lives of

clients, by having lived in our supportive living services and moved on

through our pathway to independence and social inclusion.


We believe that for services to matter and make a difference we need to have:-

  • A positive attitude to partnerships and to working with people labelled as challenging and their families 

  • An outward looking approach – we're always willing to learn and seeking out other community focused support options.

  • The willingness to follow advice of appropriate professionals whether from a clinical or social care perspective

  • The readiness to be in there for the long haul and not giving up in difficult time

  • Staff being recruited on the basis of their attitude, in particular toward positive risk taking.

  • Investment in training that is tailored to the needs to the individual being supported.


All these key atributes help towards our aim of delivering personalised and person centred care and support. 



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