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Transition Services
We are a respected and trusted partner and are committed to delivering positive outcomes for the Young People we support, we have an excellent track record and the young people we work with enjoy good physical, and emotional health, living in physically safe environments with appropriate support networks to meet their needs.
We work with high risk, difficult to place young people who may display varying degrees of:
Social, emotional and behavioural difficulties
Challenging and aggressive behaviours
Absconding Risk
Drug and Alcohol indicators, including having a formal diagnosis of Alcohol Fetal Syndrome
Anti-social behaviours
Sexualised behaviours
Self-harm and suicidal behaviours
Attachment difficulties
Personality Disorder Traits
Mental Health Problems
Learning Disabilities
We aim to ensure that all of our young people develop a positive outlook on life, that they achieve and learn to take responsibility by achieving an enhanced degree of emotional stability, we have a good track record of working with young people who have been victims of abuse; physical, sexual or emotional, who may be experiencing some form of crisis in their lives and have complex behavioural difficulties impacting on their well-being, they may be at risk of exploitation and have offending or anti-social behaviour issues.
We promote resilience by encouraging young people to get involved in activities, educational and employment by nurturing their hobbies and interests that help them become more independent and less reliant on paid support.
We focus heavily on support planning and make sure that the agreed and appropriate plans are in place so that the young person's needs are fully met so that they can progress to the next stage of their lives, we liaise closely with the responsible authority and any allocated IRO regarding the young person's progress and abilities in relation to life and independence skills to ensure a smooth transition to adulthood.
We work in partnership with Transition and Adult Services Teams to ensure that all Care Act Assessments are properly completed and that any Adult needs are identified and correctly met.
We have a designated Professional Services Development Officer, who coordinates the health and well-being of young people. A public health approach is taken, to identify any unmet health needs. Following placement uptake all young people will be offered support with the following:
A Medical Assessment by a General Practitioner.
A Dental Examination.
An Optical Assessment.
Sexual Health and Well Being Screening.
From these appointments, a Health Action Plan is created, which forms part of the young person’s individualised care plan. This is monitored as part of the young person’s Looked After Children’s Review, to ensure all the recommendations are met.
In addition to meeting health needs, ongoing health education and promotion is offered to young people. It is delivered by our trained staff, topics that are covered include:
Sexual Health and Well Being
Alcohol and Drug Use
Mental Health and Well Being
Cancer Awareness
We offer all our young people additional support and run workshops, including;-
The Reasoning and Rehabilitation Programme
Reasoning and Rehabilitation is a 12-16 session cognitive skills development course. It aims to teach participant skills and values required for pro-social competence such as problem-solving, conflict resolution, social skills, and skills in emotional management.
Offending Is a Bad Choice (OIBC) Workshops
OIBC is a 10 session programme targeting young people with repeat offending patterns and designed to work on altering pro-criminal patterns including pro-criminal thinking and how to counter them, morality and victim awareness, problem-solving, and consequential thinking. Repetition, testing and skill rehearsal are deployed to promote learning and community application.
Violence Is Not a Choice (VINAC) programme
VINAC increases options for young people whose primary coping mechanism for dealing with difficulties is aggression and violence. It consists of structured sessions that explore arousal-calming techniques, attitudes and relationships, personal problem solving, conflict resolution, and self-management.
Other interventions, some delivered collaboratively include:
‘High Risk’ offending interventions including Fire Raising behaviours (We work With West Yorkshire Fire Services to deliver training and awareness raising classes)
Substance use, Recovery and Relapse prevention.
Gang Culture and Knife Crime
Thinking Skills Development,
Communication ‘Passports’ to aid Care planning and use of Social Stories (Autistic Spectrum Disorder)
Anxiety Management
Social Skills Training
Sexual Health, Relationships and Keeping Safe
Bereavement counselling by trained staff (external)
Conflict Management
Emotion and Anger management
Motivational Enhancement
All aspects of our young people’s care are delivered to staff through a comprehensive induction process, which is based on the policy and procedures of our organisation.
Topics include:
Equality and Diversity
Anti-Discriminatory Practise
Dealing with Challenging behaviour
Attachment theory/transitions
Attachment disorder
Physical Intervention – Team Teach and Calm
Communication protection
Child Sexual exploitation
Missing from Home
Self Harm
Drugs and Alcohol
Health & Safety at work
Risk Assessment
The use of consequences
Accident reporting
Food hygiene including nutrition
Infection control
Fire Safety
All our service users are offered high-quality accommodation which exceeds industry standards, any housing with 5 or more tenants is registered as a HMO with the Local Authority and all are fully licensed and inspected by the Council.